The seasons hair styles and trends

Every season, different haircuts become the new it cut. This year it’s the Pompadour style that is back with celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ryan Gosling all showing off the sleek backed style. Now that spring is here and summer is right around the corner, new haircuts will be plentiful for the next couple of months. Everyone will want to look as groomed as possible and be as hot as the upcoming season. So here is a rundown of the most common haircut trends these seasons.

Modern Pompadour – This is the new trend this year. Sleeked back haircut with volume making the person look more professional, serious and mature. A lot of stars are currently styling their hair this way and all thanks to JT (Justin Timberlake) for not only bringing sexy back but bringing the modern pompadour back as well.

Crew Cut – A short hairstyle with just a little length on top so you can style it in any direction. You won’t be spiking the hair up because it is short after all. But with the little length on top and some product in the hair, it can be a clean professional look for the office and the summer heat.

The Right Haircut – This is a pretty simple and classic look, you simply apply product to your hair and comb it up and back from the hair line over to one side. It’s not a comb over because you aren’t trying to hide any baldness, it’s a very simple classic look that works for almost anyone if the hair is not a buzz cut and has some length.

Spiked – This style had been around for decades, long before Hollywood got a taste of it. Rockers styles their hair this way before and now it evolved into basically hundreds of versions. There is the short spiked, long, spiked, bed head spiked, even so kids and dogs are being named spike. This is still a favorite style of teens and younger generation because it gives them some attitude. A shorter spiked hair is more versatile than a longer style because it can fir both work and play. Different variations of the spiked haircut do include faux-hawks which were made popular by David Beckham. Had extremely short hair on the sides and some length on top. While the modern renditions feature extra hair on the sides and a little less attitude with styling.

Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience hairstyle
Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience hairstyle


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